grandma's hands

I really miss my grandma, and am printing this letter, written to her a couple of years ago, in loving memory.

Grandma's Hands

Something you may not know about me is that I notice people's hands.  Everyone I love, everyone I know fairly well, I can mentally picture his or her hands.  Yesterday in church the woman in front of me took a Kleenex from her purse.  I noticed her hands and they reminded me of yours.  And all throughout the service I kept thinking about your hands.  I could close my eyes and picture your hands.  I could almost feel your hand in mine, and my mind was flooded with images - beautiful images of all your hands have done in your lifetime.

Your hands, plump and small, holding your mother's hand while crossing the street.  Your hands, holding a cup to drink for the first time.  Your hands clapping with delight, and playing with dolls,  Your hands holding a pencil and learning to write your name.  Your hands, fixing your beautiful hair and applying lipstick.

Your hands holding a baby, then another.  Changing diapers, wiping tears, applying band-aids and administering correction.  Typing, filing, answering the phone.  Cashing your paycheck, and paying for groceries.  Chopping vegetables and stirring soup.  Frosting a cake and wrapping a present.  Writing a note of encouragement, cooking a meal for someone in need.  Hands folded in prayer.

Your hand, holding mine while crossing the street.  Your hands, carrying ice cream bars and cheese puffs home from the store.  Playing 'Kings in the Corner'.  Your hands, bathing and tucking me into bed.  Hands folded for good-night prayers. 

Your hands, stitching a hem, sewing a button.  Tying a shoe, giving a hug.  Hands folded in more prayer.  Hands raised in worship.  Your hands are beautiful.  They are precious, for they tell a story of a life well lived.  A life of love, of service, and of worship to God.   

I'm not the only one who notices hands...

Ecclesiastes 9.10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."

Proverbs 31.20 "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."

Psalm 73.23 "Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand."

and my favorite...

Isaiah 49.16 "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

I love you Grandma,