How fitting that we celebrate Easter in the springtime. Any other time of the year would not do. Falling leaves and bare branches do not speak to us in the same way as purple magnolias and budding trees. And while Easter is about many things: bunnies and jelly beans; new dresses and shiny shoes; breakfast casseroles and honey hams; colored egg hunts and family gatherings; marshmallow peeps and my favorite, Cadbury mini eggs, isn’t Easter really about One thing? New Life. And the bible tells us that Easter is a game changer. Resurrection changes everything.
A situation I cannot change. Wish I could, but it’s out of my hands. Weariness. Daily striving to live and love in a broken, fallen world. But my heavy burden is temporary – outweighed by the glory to come, when every tear will be wiped away by my Maker’s nail-pierced hand. Sadness gone. Death obsolete. Joy unspeakable and life immeasurably more than I could ever dream of or imagine. Strength and grace enough for today, and hope for tomorrow. Resurrection changes everything.
I had a hard day. Too impatient. Angry, irritated, critical. Setting a tone that promotes more irritation and impatience. Falling short. Can’t measure up. BUT…I am forgiven! My sins are forgiven! As far as the east is from the west He has removed my sins from me. He took my punishment. A crown of thorns, a sword in his side. By blood and water I am forgiven and cleansed. He was broken, I’m made whole. I am accepted and loved by the God of the universe. The perfect, holy God of everything that is, has ever been, and ever will be. I live forgiven. Jesus paid my debt, and that changes everything.
Like a vapor…like fading flowers. Life, fragile and fading.
Shock. Grief. Surreal. Crushing floods of fear. Dreams unrealized. Loss of a life dearly loved and wanted. Gratitude for life that remains. Clinging to Hope. Choosing to trust. But… Jesus is risen! Comfort and peace imparted. He really is alive! And that changes everything. An empty tomb fills us with HOPE. Death overcome. The grave conquered. Eternal security. The spirit does not fade. Life – new life. RESURRECTED LIFE in the very presence of GOD. Hope of HEAVEN. The truth of Easter…Jesus is alive! Love has made the way for RESTORATION, REDEMPTION, and REUNION. All things will be made right. Jesus made the way, and that changes everything.
Revelation 7:17
Psalm 103:12
Isaiah 53:4,5
John 14:6
John 11:25-27